Monday, April 28, 2008

America The Beautiful

America, America, Land that I Love

After spending the weekend in Washington DC taking my husband's grandmother on a tour of the capital for her 80th birthday, I have been contemplating a few of the blessings that we have here in America.

Here are a few:

A beautiful land that God created, diverse and unique in each state. We come together to form a powerful and blessed place to live.

An environment of freedom. We saw many protestors and people with a cause out in the national mall and I was blessed by the fact that although we may not agree, we all have the right to speak out and participate in our country.

A place that honors our past and aims to inspire our future. As we visited the different monuments and memorials, I was in awe of the history that America shares and the future that it inspires. Lives have been lost, hearts broken and dreams shattered only for others to be created. I wish I could say thank you to all those who have sacrificed for America.

And lastly, while many may want to wipe God out of our history or stop acknowledging him now, He is everywhere in our nation's capital. In inscriptions, speeches, monuments and memorials, God's prescence can be felt. What a testament to the biblical worldview that our country was created upon and modeled to follow.

Take the time to visit and contemplate if you can.

God bless America,

Esther White


Sarah Martin said...

Esther, thanks for posting the beautiful thoughts. That pic is beautiful too. Its a shame how much of the BWV is taken out of the mainstream these days especially since that is what our country is founded on!


Lynn Cross said...

I am just thrilled to have you post. Great thoughts, Great words, Great pictures. Love, Lynn

Anonymous said...

Esther - I too love our great country! We have our challenges, national sins, and weaknesses, but I'm so thankful for the blessing of freedom! Freedom is something God created. It was lost when man chose to sin in the Garden of Eden, and we subsequently became slaves to sin. Jesus came to set the captives (sinners like you and me) FREE from the horrors of our slavery to sin. When we put our trust in Jesus as Saviour, we become free again - free to truly love and serve God and others. Will it take the loss of freedom in our country to remind us of freedom's blessings? We might be about to find out.